To get to know us!
The history of the First Baptist Church of Niles, Ohio, began in 1889 with the baptism of sixteen men in the Mahoning River.
The church officially organized the following year with 17 charter members, including the first pastor, the Rev. A.M. Eley. The new congregation originally met at the Welsh Baptist Church on Mill Street but then moved to the Old Town Hall - the present site of the McKinley Memorial in downtown Niles.
In 1892, the congregation purchased the property where the current church is located, 26 E. Church Street. A wood-frame building was erected that same year and soon a parsonage was built on the adjacent lot. A generous benefactor and charter member, G.O. Griswold, donated a sizable gift toward building the church itself, Pastor Eley's salary, and a 1,350 pound church bell. Installed in 1895, that same bell is in the current tower and continues to be sounded weekly at the church and is believed to be the largest bell in the Mahoning Valley. The church continued to grow and add new members in the early part of the 20th century during Rev. Eley's nine-year pastorate.
By 1920, the congregation had outgrown the original wooden building, so part of that structure was demolished to make way for a larger edifice with a stucco exterior. One of the first pastors to lead the congregation in the new facility was Dr. Robert T. Ketcham, who was instrumental in founding the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches, to which the church belongs today. Some 300 new members joined the church under his three-year ministry.
During the 1930's the original parsonage on the church property was refitted and used as a Sunday School Annex. Tragically, in the late afternoon of February 8, 1941, the church caught fire and firefighters battled the blaze in subzero temperatures. The Sunday School Annex was spared, but the church was a total loss. Miraculously, the pulpit and a Bible were recovered from the ashes.
Rebuilding the church and holding the congregation together during the early 1940's was no small task as America's involvement in World War II hampered construction. During this time, the congregation held services in the Christian Church Parish House as well as the McKinley Memorial Auditorium. Under the leadership of Pastor Arthur F. Jones, growth continued nonetheless. In 1943, First Baptist, Niles conducted the church’s first Daily Vacation Bible School even without a permanent home. On July 14, 1949, ground was broken for the building that serves as the congregation's house of worship today. Members returned to 26 E. Church Street on April 2, 1950, holding services in the basement. On Sunday, September 9, 1951, the congregation moved out of the cellar and into the sanctuary.
In August of 1959, construction began on a new Sunday School addition. Under the pastorate of Rev. T. Fred Hussey, the church experienced tremendous growth and attention turned to the "baby boomers" with the organization of the Baptist Training Union, Pioneer Girls, and Christian Service Brigade. On May 3rd, 1964, Sunday School attendance was 532 and, in June, Daily Vacation Bible School averaged over 400 children with 60 professions of faith. These are the highest attendance numbers on record. The focus on youth continued into the next decade with the formation of AWANA Clubs in 1968.
The church's last major property acquisition came in the early 1970's. A lot behind the Sunday School wing was purchased and blacktopped for much needed parking in 1972, and a former bottling warehouse on the adjoining property was purchased the following year for use as an Activity Center for all ages. In 1981, First Baptist, Niles, called the church’s longest serving pastor, the Rev. G. Ben Reed. During his 29-year pastorate, Pastor Reed provided much needed stability and leadership as the church met many challenges from the declining area population as many families moved away to find employment. During this time, the church added the Cubbies Club, expanded the music program, remodeled portions of the Activity Center and main building, sold the parsonage, purchased a new organ, added an elevator for those with walking difficulties and instituted the Faith Promise program for missions. A wind ensemble was begun in 1991 adding to the worship services on Sunday mornings. As the people were faithful to God, He was faithful to them.
In August of 2011, following Pastor Reed's retirement, the Rev. David Burman, Jr. accepted the call to be the 22nd pastor of the First Baptist Church of Niles. Under Pastor Burman’s leadership, many technological improvements have been made and in 2016, the church voted to completely remodel the Sunday School addition, creating a new foyer/gathering place and a new large, covered entrance at the rear of the church. This building project is the largest step of faith since the fire and is designed to serve the church well into the future.
In 2021, Pastor Burman resigned. After an extended period of searching and waiting on the Lord, the congregation unanimously voted to call Jonathan Schuler to be our next Senior Pastor!
As we reflect on the past, we are thankful for the rich history that God has given our church. We have consistently been a lighthouse for truth in the greater Niles area. For the past 135 years, we have continued to preach the Gospel, train the saints, fellowship one with another, provide opportunities for ministry, and support missionary endeavors at home and around the world. We cannot help but praise God from Whom all blessings flow.